Workshop Information & Materials for Participants:
Sabancı University has adopted the global effort to rethink the role of the faculty and the students in undergraduate education and prioritize “Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” (SoTL) that values evidence-based student learning. As a part of this effort, the Science of Nature (NS 101/102) Courses have been offered during the last 4.5 years in a theme-based modular format, emphasizing an interdisciplinary and student-centered course structure and expectations based on active learning. The courses cover basic concepts of physics, chemistry, and biology through the modules. Being a part of the first-year core curriculum at Sabancı University, the NS courses are compulsory for all incoming freshman students regardless of their prospective majors. To date, we have worked with more than 4000 students in this student-centered version of the NS courses.
Such a student-centered approach is unique especially for large freshman STEM courses in Turkish universities, and over the last 5 years we have accumulated a variety of experiences and data with our freshman students, which we believe are worth sharing. We have also developed and established a professional development program for instructors and assistants of the NS courses to inform them on the pedagogy behind the course and to help them gain the necessary skills to become effective facilitators in the student-centered learning environment.
The Workshop on Innovative Approaches in College STEM Education is aimed at sharing this a professional development opportunity for college-level-STEM educators, who are interested in SoTL and in applying innovative approaches to their courses. The program consists of two phases: First, the 4-day workshop provides background pedagogical information through activities on student-centered strategies. It is then followed by an application phase, during which participants are expected to apply some of the learned approach with their own students. We will have an online feedback meeting in early 2019 to conclude the program. We plan to compile and anonymously share the participants’ experiences and resources they find in the process on an website, which we hope will benefit the larger educator community within Turkey and beyond.
The goals of this workshop are to:
See tentative workshop program.
![]() Yuki KanekoResearch Interests: High-energy astrophysics, Science education. |
EducationPh.D in Physics, University of Alabama in Huntsville Teaching Experience1995-2006 Volunteer teachers/tutors at various K-12/college programs in the US Teaching PhilosophyI believe that knowledge is something that is built within each learner in a way that is unique and specific to each learner. Learners must integrate new pieces of information into their own context in order to build the knowledge. A teacher’s time is best spent coaching that learning process with the students, rather than just providing information. |
![]() Aslıhan Muazzez ÜnsalResearch Interests: Spectral analysis of Gamma ray bursts (GRBs) prompt emission, Science education in college. |
EducationBS in Physics, Bilkent University Teaching ExperienceLead Discussion and Laboratory sessions of Freshman Astronomy courses in Boston University Teaching PhilosophyBeing a good teacher is not all about knowing and explaining everything, rather it is to make your students be aware of their own learning. This requires being able to see students’ needs individually and provide appropriate learning environment, resources, and activities to them. |
![]() Süphan BakkalResearch Interests: Natural antimicrobials, antimicrobial resistance, and Science Education. |
EducationPh.D in Molecular and Biology Graduate Program, University of Massachusetts Amherst Teaching Experience2009-2010 Instructor: BIO H100-Life Sciences and Global Issues at UMass Teaching PhilosophyMy experience in research and science education taught me that learning is a unique experience for everyone and learners may have different challenges according to their skills and learning styles. Learners’ active participation is the key component in the learning process. My role as a teacher is to create a learning environment that encourages learners’ motivation and participation as well as to provide guidance to the learners to strengthen their learning skills for becoming independent learners. |
![]() Özden ŞengülResearch Interests: Science education |
EducationPh.D in Science Education, Georgia State University Teaching ExperienceSummer 2018- Science of Nature II, Sabancı University Teaching Philosophy |
Someone who is:
Please fill out and submit the online application form from this application link.
Since the space is limited, all applications will be reviewed and the participants will be selected based on the application materials. The application must be submitted by Monday, August 27. Early submission is strongly encouraged as the selection process will start immediately.
Please contact Yuki Kaneko ( if you have any questions about the workshop.
Click here to download the poster.